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Salary structure analysis with Abakaba.Check - an alternative to Logib

The revised Swiss equality act entered into law on 1 July 2020. What are the consequences for your organization? If you have more than 100 employees, you must verify that your organization fulfils the legal requirements regarding equal pay of men and women (salary structure analysis). This must be done between mid-2020 and mid-2021. This analysis will then be audited and the results are to be communicated to employees. If the equal pay requirements have not been met, the salary structure analysis must be repeated every four years. If they have been met, your organization is not required to repeat the analysis. This is a brief overview of the legal changes.

How can you carry out the salary structure analysis?
The state has provided the free "Logib" tool for this task. Experts however have concerns regarding this instrument. Depending on the quality of your data, Logib is relatively time-consuming. On top of this, it uses some methodically questionable criteria.
As an alternative to Logib, we offer two salary structure analyses based on Abakaba, our analytical job evaluation tool backed by work science research that we originally developed for the Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality. Abakaba.Check.E (Express) fulfils the legal requirements with relatively little work. Abakaba.Check.P (Premium) can serve as the basis of a modern salary system (if you already use an Abakaba salary system, you will benefit from Abakaba.Check.P with minimal effort).

How you benefit


You can confidently concentrate on your core business while we take the lead of the salary structure analysis. We have the technical and methodological know-how to efficiently support you in the undertaking of the salary structure analysis, including the audit.

Salary structure analysis with Abakaba.Check - an alternative to Logib

The revised Swiss equality act entered into law on 1 July 2020. What are the consequences for your organization? If you have more than 100 employees, you must verify that your organization fulfils the legal requirements regarding equal pay of men and women (salary structure analysis). This must be done between mid-2020 and mid-2021. This analysis will then be audited and the results are to be communicated to employees. If the equal pay requirements have not been met, the salary structure analysis must be repeated every four years. If they have been met, your organization is not required to repeat the analysis. This is a brief overview of the legal changes.

How can you carry out the salary structure analysis?
The state has provided the free "Logib" tool for this task. Experts however have concerns regarding this instrument. Depending on the quality of your data, Logib is relatively time-consuming. On top of this, it uses some methodically questionable criteria.
As an alternative to Logib, we offer two salary structure analyses based on Abakaba, our analytical job evaluation tool backed by work science research that we originally developed for the Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality. Abakaba.Check.E (Express) fulfils the legal requirements with relatively little work. Abakaba.Check.P (Premium) can serve as the basis of a modern salary system (if you already use an Abakaba salary system, you will benefit from Abakaba.Check.P with minimal effort).

How you benefit


You can confidently concentrate on your core business while we take the lead of the salary structure analysis. We have the technical and methodological know-how to efficiently support you in the undertaking of the salary structure analysis, including the audit.

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