Christian P. Katz

Dr. Christian P. Katz
Helping companies meet the legal equal pay requirements, in turn facilitating a company's in-house collaboration and promoting its success.
Fair pay: we are driven by the principle of "equal pay for work of equal value" as anchored in Swiss law. We are convinced that pay equity will contribute to the success of your organization.
Joy: we take our work seriously, but the joy in what we do should be evident to our clients.
Added value: we want to generate significant added value for our clients.
We, Christof Baitsch and Christian P. Katz, have been working together since the 1980s. We spent several years working in Professor Eberhard Ulich's Institute for Workplace Psychology at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. For lawsuits concerning unfair pay practices we compiled experts' reports based on work science for the courts. In the 1990s, we developed Abakaba ("Analytical Evaluation of Workplace Activities According to Katz and Baitsch") and offered our services from 1999 to 2014 as "Katz und Baitsch Partner für Salärsysteme". In 2015, we embraced a strategy for the long-term future of our work by founding Abakaba AG. In the meantime, we have supplemented our team with the economist Roland Zürcher and the work and organizational psychologist Dr. Miriam Nido. Miriam Nido is responsible for equal pay analyses, among other things. Roland Zürcher lives in French-speaking Switzerland and offers our services in French-speaking countries
Dr. Christian P. Katz
Prof. Dr. Christof Baitsch
Roland Zürcher
Dr. Miriam Nido